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1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Friday, July 25, 2008


Here was a post I drafted but never posted it out 1 month over ago. Too close to the heart.


Carry Me - Hillsongs

“Goodbye, I’m going to miss you.”

I said, as we reached the place where we had to seperate. She was flying off tomorrow.

I give her a pat on the shoulder.


She smiled.

As I turned to walk in the other direction, she raises her sweet yet firm voice above the sound of the afternoon.

“Be strong!”

I was pleasantly surprised; for it was an uncommon word from a gentle and quiet lady.

I turned.

I looked back at her one more time.

I smiled,

clenching my fist, I replied,

“I will!”


Two words more effect than a sermon.

They say two things that pierce the heart more than anything else does: Beauty and Affliction.

Beauty has pierced mine.

I would sit at my chair in my room, just sitting.

Just waiting.

Just longing.

For hours...

Suddenly, the TV doesn’t seem so interesting anymore.

Suddenly, the computer seems almost an hindrance...

Suddenly, I notice the beauty in my garden, the stillness of flowers under the moonlit night sky.

… the beauty of music, its power to capture emotion.

… the evening sky, lit by the setting sun.

I would wait.

Time would stand.

Beauty has stilled my heart.

They say, there comes a time in your walk with God, when it’s not about the battles anymore, when the Sacred Romance begins.

Suddenly, I notice.

Yes, You have awakened my heart to Beauty. Through her, You have.

They say, that only when a man begins to see, then he is ready.


“What is your address over there?”

“I’ll write.”

A smile. “Aww, that’s sweet.”

"I don’t know, I’ve only been there once in my life.”

Tomorrow’s battles don’t seem so hard. Yes, there is a certain quietness tonight. A stillness beyond time.

Tonight, time stands still.


As I turned to walk in the other direction, she raises her sweet yet firm voice above the sound of the afternoon.

“Be strong!”

I was pleasantly surprised; for it was an uncommon word from a gentle and quiet lady.

I turned.

I looked back at her one more time.

I smiled,

clenching my fist, I replied,

“I will!”

I always will.


When I looked back, I thought I was ... too emotional.

But I just spoke to her over MSN tonight.

Tried to give her an overseas call but I think she wasn't at the phone.

Then suddenly.

That's feeling came back again.

That feeling of tranquility.

Of peace.

Like I touched the a tinge of that glory.

My heart stilled again. Stopped. In the midst of my crazy planning and following up on alot of events, my heart just stopped suddenly.

And noticed the sound of the crickets in the night.

The glistening of dew on the leaves.

It's something about her, or something I saw through her.


But wow.

I suddenly remember the times where I would really just sit there and wait for God. For hours.

But now sadly, all of life's distractions is coming back to me. The TV especially, looking to be entertained.

But I remember the times where ...

I would just sit down and wait. and wait somemore.

I'm going to find it.

True beauty.

It's so unexplainable but so powerful, so heart-wrenching.

What is it about you that I am held captive by?

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