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1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Friday, March 7, 2008


Just came back from cell group. Praise the Lord, i think my guitar playing is getting better now. Pace is good, no screw ups today, okay la, maybe one, but no one noticed.. just played the wrong key during free worship, but I rectified immediately..

Anyway we're going to fight for the bid for the clubhouse. At least appeal and try another time. I strongly believe in my heart that we have a strong enough team to make it a superb clubhouse.


Recently, I've been pondering about the issue of security. Not about national security or about that terrorist running around Singapore, but about the security of a person. Does he feel secure in who he is? Or is he unsure.

I think there's really much to talk about in regards to security, because out of it flows alot of our behavior. Alot of things people do can be attributed to security, and also, the lack of it.

Let's start with the source of security, and I'll write till I feel like sleeping, and catch on another time I feel like writing about it. Haha..

God is our source of security. Because He is the one that has everything under His control. He has foresight, foreknowledge and He knows what will happen. He is the beginning and the end.

And in that knowledge, all we need to know is that this same God that created the universe loves us so much He sent his Son to die for us. And if He is for us, who can be against us?

This is the security that we find in God. When the Pharisees challenged Jesus, He answered and effectively said,"You don't tell me who I am, I know who I am, because my Father tells me." When the devil challenged Jesus, as to whether He was really the Son of God, he did not react by proving himself ( in the case, to turn stones into bread)

And in fact, that's what alot of people use to hide their insecurity. They try to prove a point. They try to use good grades to prove themselves. They use possessions to prove themselves. They want the world to know that,"Hey, I'm worth something, look at the things I have, look at the grades I got.".

And while there's nothing wrong with good grades and good possessions, many use it as a tool to prove themselves. That they're of value.

But how does a person who is truly secure react? The same way Jesus reacted. Don't prove yourself. If you truly know who you are, and what God made you to be, that's all you need to know. And there's nothing you need to show people.

To people it might matter if your GPA is 3.9 or 3.2, to them it is a reflection of your 'value'. But to God, it doesn't matter. No matter your grades, your value to Him remains the same. What matters to Him more is that you tried your best.

And the hard thing is about living it out. Not letting the opinions of man affect your motivations.

And the truth is that many driven people, are really driven by this insecurity. They're afraid that other than their grades or their possessions, they really have nothing to show the world. That's why they fight extremely hard for it. So when you see an especially hardworking person who really just doesn't have balance, it could really be due to insecurity in his life.

He feels he needs to prove something. That fear of one day standing before many people, and realizing you have nothing to show.

But thank God, it is in Him that we find our value, our security, our identity. Only your creator would know what you're made for. And we stay assured in that knowledge, that hey, we don't have to fight so hard in life to prove that we're something.

Instead, we first know who we are, then we go and do our best for what we've been made to do.

And insecurity does not just cause an individual to be extremely driven, but it brings something really ugly to the table: self-preservation.


Self preservation is rooted in fear. That fear that if you don't fight for yourself, no one else will. That ideology of the survival of the fittest. But things really do get ugly when people start playing self-preservation.

Your friends get so 'focused' on their work that they don't stop and help another who's slower, or help someone who's in need.

People get 'polished' to learn what it takes to ace an interview, learning the minors and forgetting the majors. Learning about the 'right' things to say in an interview and throwing aside the more important things like attitude and character.

Graduates fighting for the highest paying jobs, giving up the jobs that they love; because they somehow believe that taking a pay from the marketing or HR might not guarantee them the good life they want for themselves.

People raising up hands in the classroom purely to get their participation marks( for their As) and end up saying something irrelevant or totally out of point.

Friends checking their grades with one another and one secretly thinking that they're doing fine when they find out their peers didn't do as well.

All these things done in self-preservation are really rooted in fear. Fear that there will not be enough to live on, fear that people will look down on them.

But God wants to take that fear away from us. He wants to have faith in His provision. To know in our hearts, not just in our heads that hey, He's got everything covered. All we have to do is obey Him, trust Him. It's that simple.

Have faith in the perfect love of God. For the Bible says perfect love casts out fear. If we are assured fully of God's perfect love for us, there's nothing we need to be afraid of. When we know in our hearts that God is on our side, we can stand strong on the truth, to walk a different road from the crowd.

To be continued ( If I feel like it. Haha.)

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