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2.Leadership With You

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Here comes Eve, beware!

As I was walking with my friend yesterday to lunch, there were like some guys just taking a second look at her.. the first thought that came to my mine," Here comes Eve, beware."

But recently, I've been really thinking about the kinda risk God actually took in creating Eve.

I remember reading this in Wild at Heart and I thought it was such a revelation! God created the world from simple to complex. From the sky and earth, to the sun, stars. Then in increasing complexity, the mountains, then the flowers, then the animals, and finally man.

So man is supposed to be like the most complex being amongst all of God's creation. He had something that all the other created things did not have: a soul.

But wait. There was one more created thing after man; a far more complex being, far greater in beauty: women.

Ah, now you know why women are so complex. Haha. They're supposed to be the most complex!

But why was it a risk?

Eve was closer to in God-likeness than anything else in creation. This meant that man apart from God, would very most likely worship the next thing closest to Him: woman.

And I tell you, many guys, myself in my earlier days included, have placed woman in a position in our hearts that only God is supposed to occupy. Many guys have put the woman in worship.

I mean, look at the kind of music these days. Pst Kong said that the pop music of today reflects the culture of today. I mean, the daughters of Eve are almost worshiped, if not already worshiped.

These are two things closest to God in the natural world, which is what makes them objects of worship for alot of people who don't know God: Women and Money.

Ah. That sounds totally familiar doesn't it. Haha.

So anyway, to my female readers; it's really a compliment when it is said, you are closer to God in likeness, in complexity, in beauty.

You are in a position where guys might put you on that dreaded pedestle of worship. Watch out for the signs. =))

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