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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Distractions of the World

The distractions of the world are what really stops us from entering into the presence of God.

I was really the last chapter of the book Desire I realized that it's what we're really going through in our lives. Like the Israelites, even though God has done so many great things in our lives, it takes us about a few days to totally forget about it. We're distracted.

TV; Newspapers, other things that come along, make us forget.

So John Eldredge suggests that we journal. I find that superb.

When I think about it, if we cut all the distracting nonsense in our lives, TV, newspapers, all the projects we didn't really have to embark on. We have more than enough time for self-reflection, using the PEN to write(instead of blogging).

God spoke to me recently, Yihan, what you really want in your life? If there was one thing in your life you wanted to become, what would it be? Write it down. So that he may run with it; says the Bible.


It's the distractions of this world that cause us to desensitize ourselves from the Holy Spirit.

Everything from the TV, our friends, the newspaper, the internet constantly bombards us with messages that affect the way we think and act. So we think we want this and that. But I ask: Really?

Do you really want to learn how to trade stocks? Really? Which part of that appeals to your soul?

Is your greatest passion to 'work in a bank'?

When Chew Yan preached yesterday that men who kiss their wives everyday had some benefits here and there, they are happier, they tend not to have affairs,but it was at the 'men who do that earn 20% more salary than men who dont' that everyone raised their eyebrows and some went 'woooo'.

My first instinct was to scream out, Who is your God?!?

That's why I loved it when Meiqi starting sharing that our giving is not ultimately a trust that God will return the money, but it is an outpouring of a heart that wants to give thanks to God of all His goodness. It's a subtle difference; and it is also truth that God will return it in multiples.

But that's where the heart comes in; are you giving because Money stands above God in your priority? Or are you giving because God stands above it?

The reason why money is such a damnable thing is because it is the closest thing to God in terms of provision. Money can buy alot of things. ALOT.

Really if we ask enough whys about our desires, sometimes we'll find that money is at the end of it. "Because I'll make alot of money."

But of course, no one says that because it's not the correct answer anymore. The correct answer is Because I love it and I find it challenging.


Do you REALLY want to work in a bank? Is your soul worth $6,000/mth?
Do you REALLY want to learn to trade options? Is staring at a computer screen watching numbers go up and down your ULTIMATE goal in life? Now I'm not saying that it couldn't be. It could be.

But to have 10% of the school have the same passion? Trading? Banks? Sounds more like cultural influence to me.

And I do not say it because I've got it all figured out too. I find myself struggling in this area too which is the reason I often bring it up.

And it's sad; because I do preach to people to listen to their hearts but today I realized one thing; most people have stopped listening to God in their hearts; they've been so bombarded by all the noise that's out there in the world that they don't even recognize the voice of God anymore.

You can be a Christian and proclaimed to be led by the Holy Spirit, say that you've prayed about it. But are you sure that's God's voice?

The saints of old have learnt to isolate themselves from the world. Jesus went into the desert for 40 days, John the Baptist went into the desert too,... it's there where the noise of the world quietens where the still small voice of God will be heard.

And I'm going Switzerland for 30 days! I have friends that are there already, but deep down inside, I go Switzerland to take myself away from the world, and into a plac where I can find God; so seriously I rather not have any friends there. It would have been easier than having to reject their invitations now.

God, I will find You. No matter how loud the world is. I will learn to quieten my heart and listen.

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