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1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Monday, May 19, 2008

True Beauty

At a certain point during the week,

Feeling down again.


Then I thought of Mel again.

"When I'm lonely, I'll write on my personal diary about my thoughts and feelings."

Maybe its a form of release for her. I might just try it.

There's something about Mel's life that really attracts me. The simplicity of it all.

Family, boyfriend, a few close friends, settled in a small town in Papua New Guinea managing her dad's business. No complicated life. No complicated relationships.

The peace. Oh..

Yet I know what I seek is not in her, but something beyond.
Beauty beyond the beauty.
The longing beyond the longing.

A longing for... Eden.

But the battle is not done.
As he looks over the hills,
He sees,

There is much to conquer,
much to fight for.

The day is not done.
It will be awhile,

Before I come home.

I'm so tired; refresh me O' God.
The battle is not the end,
but the end is not without the battle.

Show me Your glory O' God.
Show me Your Beauty.

Then He answered:

(In conversation w friends) "I'm looking for her type of girl. A lady who is strong, but with feminine strength"

And then surprise, she shows up.

"Oh hey, we were just talking about you."

As I was observing her, poetry rose up in my heart.

Oh, your eyes of compassion,
they melt very depths of my heart.

Do not smile no more,
For my heart grows faint.

Let me stay,
Let me stay just a little longer.
Just a moment more.

" I think I know what you're talking about...

It's her eyes," friend tells me.

"No.. it's more than... " ( ...that, her eyes are a window to her soul.)
Anyway I couldn't say that coz she was just opposite. lol.


Wow.. my heart doesn't feel so tired anymore.


I could just sit there forever just appreciating her.

True beauty, like the flowers of the wild,
beg to be untouched, and simply to be appreciated.

In contrast, the beauty that the world potrays,
invokes lust, invokes a desire to take. To keep it for oneself.

True beauty invites appreciation. Invites the soul to want to fight for it, to stand up for it, and in my case, invites the soul to rest.

It invites the heart to want to give.


And don't be mistaken, I'm not in love. Haha.

As I laid down on my bed, I felt God gently remind me: That is my answer to you.


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