New Sites

Hey readers of my blog,

I have been working on two other sites so I won't be updating this site for a while now; you can continue reading from my blogs at:

1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Writings of the Heart

Recently, I've decided to do one thing: To write from the heart.

Hence the new name of the blog.

But many times after I write, my first other instinct would be: Should I even post this up? What kind of reaction will it garner?

Maybe I should just keep my posts to updates on my everyday life and how everything is going on and stuff. That way, I don't ruffle feathers. That way, I
won't be vulnerable when my heart is seen.

Then I realized that's how alot of people live their lifes. From the false self, and not from the center of the heart.

Living from the heart often means that we'll be vulnerable and there's a chance for us to be hurt. Especially when we reveal our hearts and people don't treat that fragile thing with care.

When we are passionate about something and people around us tell us to just cool it off and follow the program.

But the real you exists in the heart; the invitation to know a person, is basically an invitation to know his heart.

God lives in your heart, and the way to be sensitive to God is to be sensitive to our hearts.

I was reading an article about Corrinne May, and she made a statement that resonated with me: "The best performances come from the heart; performing is about communication, about connecting with one’s audience. It is about reaching out to offer one’s story, one’s vulnerability, to a listener,” she stressed.

The power in a poet, in a writer, in a singer, in a preacher, is to speak from the heart, and to the heart. Sometimes you can sense it, whether something someone says is resonating from the heart, or is it just a shell. From the heart, the message becomes so much more powerful, whatever it may convey.

And I have an inkling that's where the power of God begins.

Anyway I've actually posted up another post before this, and I decided to take it down, because I felt.. it left me vulnerable. Which now I think about it, it does, and it wasn't wise to put it in cyberspace for the whole world to see.

I think the diary would do better.

The Glory of God is the man fully alive - St. Irenaeus

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