New Sites

Hey readers of my blog,

I have been working on two other sites so I won't be updating this site for a while now; you can continue reading from my blogs at:

1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

One problem with life today.

There's too much noise.
Too much distraction.

Even as I'm sitting here, my brother is blasting the MP3. And usually my other brother will be playing computer, and then keeping the TV on at high volume.

Too much to dull our senses.

I have always believed that our creative and spiritual side is being dulled daily by these distraction. People are all crying out," Entertain me! Now!", every where we go, we must be either hooked up to the internet watching YouTube, downloading the next movie to catch up on, or watching TV and catching up with the next upcoming serial ( Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and now Heroes; when will it ever end?) or plugged on to our iPods...

But don't we think time alone to reflect is important? Time to think about our day, or time just to rest?

It is only when I learnt to give time to God in prayer, and time to just rest, that my creative side began to uncover itself. I had realized that I'm actually more of someone on the aesthetic side than on the Maths side, and I've been led to believe otherwise since young. I think we should learn to cut all these when necessary. Alot of the inspiration I got, say for a business idea, a way to bless another person, a thought to blog about, it happened when either I'm on the bus in reflection, or in prayer.

There's just too much to distract us. Too much to dull our senses.

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