New Sites

Hey readers of my blog,

I have been working on two other sites so I won't be updating this site for a while now; you can continue reading from my blogs at:

1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Looking back

I was reading my own journals and diaries some time back, and really, it brought me alot of memories from my past. Good and bad ones. All the way back from '03, I started to record my thoughts occassionally and being the ill-disciplined me, the entries start with a daily entry, and then weekly, then monthly and finally never at all. But nonetheless, I still have some record of what happened during that period.

I even have a journal that recorded exactly what happened each day over the week and for some of them, I can even visualize what happened during each of the days. It's like a journey back to the past. It was a mixed feeling of nostalgia and sadness, some friends that I don't keep in contact anymore, and more than that, there's someone I don't recognize anymore: myself. Ha. In some way, I see myself in those situations again, but in another, it's not me anymore; I've changed...

(On a side note, I never knew how to use the semi-colon(;) until I read the Bible. That's how bad my written english was. Haha.)

Anyway, does anyone know of a program that can print out blog entries? I know Wil was thinking of doing something like that. Hey someone please do it! It's good business!
Computers will crash and blogs will shut down, but hard copies will by no means pass away!(Ha...)


Yesterday I was having a debate with the juniors on whether morals are innate or a product of culture.

One of my junior's arguments was that " I think that there's no real right or wrong, as long as you are acting consistently with what you believe in."

I thought that was a fair statement, until it came to my mind this morning: "Isn't he implying some sort of right and wrong when he made that statement?" In essence, we can say he's implying also that," My statement is right." So then, doesn't he destroy his own argument? Ha, oh well, had a good time discussing with them la; they're great people. =)

I'm carried in everlasting arms
You'll never let me go
Through it all

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