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Hey readers of my blog,

I have been working on two other sites so I won't be updating this site for a while now; you can continue reading from my blogs at:

1. Dreams of Your Heart

2.Leadership With You

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Busy busy

Now everything seems to be piling on me like nobody's business!

Today I received, conservatively; 30 emails in my inbox, of which only 20% is email blasters from the school.

Tmr I have a meeting with the UOB-SMU client,

and I have to play the guitar for cell group meeting tmr, of which I'm horrible at it so i need LOTS of practice.

Then my ministry, bookstore just asked me to compile finances by the weekend ( I'm the treasurer for the team) and then ask me to rise up to be come a small group leader. So must attend more meetings! zzz. I think I talk to my team leader about it. Ha.. not too eager.

Then L'Oreal Brandstorm gotta prepare survey + prepare for presentation next Monday. Goodness. So fast.

Plus all the Uni-Y stuff, emails, planning and all.

And its only the 1st week of school!


I was telling a friend, I feel useful. Haha. I always like to quote John Calvin ->

We're not made to be useless blocks of wood.

Anyway, somehow I managed to find the time to go register my driving at BBDC today. No class la, and during the trip I was reading this book Wild at Heart.

It's a superb book! I recommend all guys ( and girls ) to read it.

God made us Spirit, Soul and Body. And while most Christian books touch on the spirit, this one touches on the soul. It talks about how men are really created to be wild at heart. That there's something inside us that yearns to be more...

The Bible says we're made to be in God's image. And one thing the Lord is, is that He is a warrior ( Exodus 15:3). Although we see the gentle, graceful and merciful side of Jesus in the New Testament, we must never forget how He treats His enemies.

While most potrayals of Jesus are those of Mother Theresa like, we must not forget how he walked into the temple and overturned the tables of the traders, and how he 'picked fights' with the Pharisees. And how in the Old Testament, God sent armies, pestilence, plagues upon his enemies.

I think its no mistake, our God is a fierce, passionate warrior

And so are we men. The book says, that every man, in his heart of hearts, is looking for
1.a adventure to live for,
2.a battle to fight,
3.and a beauty to be swept off her feet.

I read it with a sparkle in my eyes. Haha. Now that's true.

No wonder all those war movies with potraying a courageous man willing to die for a cause ( Braveheart, 300, Kingdom of Heaven, Saving Private Ryan) always appealed to me, and I would hopefully think, to guys in general.

Then it goes on to talk about how society has really stifled this side of the man through its many 'don'ts', and through the pressure for him to be a 'nice' guy. I think there's a very interesting part, which really set me thinking: Is that question that alot men fear to know the real answer: Am I really a man?

And alot of over-achieving people are often motivated by this fear. This fear that they just might not be enough, and they might be 'exposed' that they are not real men after all.

Wow. It's an amazing book. I'm at Chapter 4 only, but this is really good. It hits the spot, really.

And it also talks about the three desires of a woman's soul, which are....

*end of post. To find out more, please stay tuned! =P*

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