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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Great message

Wow. Great weekend in church with a great message. And superb drama too.

I think today Pastor Tan really addressed alot of things in my heart. And felt challenged to be more loving to the people around me. What touched my heart, or spoke to me:

1.The Spiritual Gap and Love Disparity.

Sometimes when people get too spiritual, they might becoming 'spiritually elite' and become judgemental of people who are different and less spiritual. The spiritual become more spiritual and the weaker people backslide. Sometimes we just have to give people time.

We're not a church for the spiritually elite. We're a church for everyone from every strata of society.

2.In the natural, we should be gentle and loving to all around us, but in the spiritual, we're aggressive, and we wage warfare.

3. The star thrower. It seems that this story has been shared many times in church. But nonetheless this is actually my first time hearing it in church. ( I've heard it elsewhere)..

There's this little boy walking on the beach.

And as he walks along the seashore, when he sees a starfish on the sand, he picks it up and throws it back into the sea.

He does it repeatedly as he walks along the beach.

A man comes along, observing the boy.

He's puzzled at what the little boy is doing, so he asks the boy," Little boy, what are you doing?"

The little boy answers,"Oh, I'm saving the starfish. When the tide comes in, the starfish gets washed up and if they don't get put back into the sea, they'll die."

The man laughs and said,"Look at the coastline, there's thousands and thousands of them, how can you possibly save all of them?"

The little boy smiles. He bends down, takes another starfish and throws it into the sea.
"I may not save every starfish on this beach, but to that one..
(He points to the one he just threw in)

I make a difference."


I don't know how to describe the feeling as pastor shared that story. Convicted. Challenged.

We may not change the world in this lifetime, but everyone should be saying," To that friend, I made a difference."

We change the world 1 soul at a time. =)

Sometimes we just got to slow down from the busy-ness of life and look around. Maybe we'll notice that someone is signalling that deep in their hearts,they're saying:" I'm hurting.."

what a message.

Pastor then showed a video of the opening ceremonies of the Sun's primary schools in China. Some of the kids there were crying as Sun was passing out the free bags she bought for them. One of them even kneeled down and cried as Sun passed him the bag, and Sun went down with him to comfort him.

I was really touched. Everytime I see what Sun is doing, I tell myself: One day I'll be part of this . But it all starts from home. I've got alot to do in Uni-Y. Ha...

One day I'll do what she's doing. She's such an inspiration.

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